Gamer’s Must Play: Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade

If you’re a gaming enthusiast, you’ve probably heard of the timeless classic, “Final Fantasy VII”. Well, get ready to dive back into the mesmerizing world of Gaia as we explore “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade”. This remarkable reimagining of one of the most beloved JRPGs in history has taken the gaming world by storm. Developed by Square Enix, this remake brings new life to the epic tale of Cloud Strife and his battle against the formidable Shinra Corporation. In this article, we’ll delve into the captivating story, the gameplay innovations, the technological advancements, and all the essential details you need to know about this must-play game. So, sharpen your Buster Sword, and let’s embark on this thrilling journey through the world of “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade”.

Story: A World in Peril

The heart and soul of any RPG lie in its story, and “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” does not disappoint. Set in the fantastical world of Gaia, a place where industrial technology intertwines with traditional fantasy elements, you’ll step into the shoes of Cloud Strife. A former soldier turned mercenary, Cloud joins forces with the resistance group known as Avalanche. Their mission: to confront the malevolent Shinra Corporation, a global powerhouse that’s exploiting the planet’s life energy, Mako, and threatening the world’s very existence.

A Multi-Part Epic – One noteworthy aspect of this remake is that it’s not a one-and-done deal. Instead, it’s divided into several parts, each offering as much content as a full-sized game. This means you’ll get to savor the story and immerse yourself in Gaia’s intricacies for an extended period.

The Final Fantasy Franchise Phenomenon – It’s impossible to discuss “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” without acknowledging the profound impact of the entire Final Fantasy franchise. Since its inception in 1987, Final Fantasy has transcended the boundaries of gaming to become a cultural phenomenon. With its rich storytelling, memorable characters, breathtaking worlds, and groundbreaking innovations, each installment has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” continues this legacy, breathing new life into a classic and ensuring that the franchise’s magic endures for generations to come. So, whether you’re a longtime fan or a newcomer, there’s no denying the enduring allure of Final Fantasy.

Gameplay: A Modern Twist on a Classic

“Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” for the PS4 introduces innovative changes to the gameplay while maintaining the essence of the original. As a classic JRPG, you’ll have the freedom to explore breathtaking locations, engage in conversations, develop your characters, and, of course, battle foes.

Dynamic Combat – The combat system is a standout feature, featuring a modern and dynamic approach, reminiscent of the franchise’s latest installments. Each member of your party possesses unique abilities, adding depth and strategy to battles. It’s a far cry from the turn-based system of the past, offering an exhilarating real-time experience.

Technology: A Visual Feast – One of the most striking differences between the original and “Intergrade” is the revamped graphics. Instead of the pre-rendered backgrounds of the past, the game boasts fully three-dimensional environments that enhance the thrill of exploring Gaia’s vast virtual world. Moreover, character designs have shed their super-deformed appearances in favor of a more realistic, detailed look.

Release Date and Platforms

Available Platforms – “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” has made its mark on gaming history with a staggered release schedule across various platforms.

  • PlayStation 4 (PS4): This epic remake originally debuted on the PS4 platform, released on April 10th, 2020.
  • PlayStation 5 (PS5): Gamers on the PS5 got to experience the enhanced version of “Intergrade” on June 10th, 2023, complete with improved graphics and performance.
  • PC (Steam and Epic Games Store): PC enthusiasts had their turn on December 16th, 2021, when the game became available on both Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Now that it’s accessible on multiple platforms, players from different gaming backgrounds can delve into the captivating world of Gaia and immerse themselves in the epic story of “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade”.


In conclusion, “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” is a breathtaking journey that seamlessly blends the old with the new. It’s a reimagining of a classic that has stood the test of time, offering a captivating story, engaging gameplay, and stunning visuals. Whether you’re a long-time fan of the series or a newcomer, this game is a must-play. So, gear up, summon your inner hero, and embark on an unforgettable adventure through the enchanting world of Gaia.

FAQs about Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade

Is “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” a standalone game or a DLC for the original remake?

“Intergrade” is not a DLC; it’s a standalone game that expands on the story of the original remake.


What are the differences between the PS4 and PS5 versions of the game?

The PS5 version offers improved graphics, faster loading times, and additional content, making it the definitive experience.


Can I play “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” on a standard PS4?

Yes, the game is available on both the PS4 and PS5 platforms.


Is knowledge of the original “Final Fantasy VII” necessary to enjoy “Intergrade”?

While familiarity with the original enhances the experience, “Intergrade” is designed to be accessible to newcomers as well.


Are there plans for additional parts of the game beyond the initial release?

Yes, “Intergrade” is part of a multi-part series that will continue the story beyond the initial remake.


Remember, your journey through Gaia awaits, and “Final Fantasy VII Remake: Intergrade” is your ticket to an unforgettable adventure.